Meet Our Teams


Team: Mate-Skeez

  • Mat Townsend

    My name is Mat.

    My daughter was diagnosed with leukaemia at the age of two in 2017.

    Having this happen directly to our family and seeing the impact cancer has on other kids first hand was devastating.

    Jumping onboard to challenge myself

    and raise funds for lion hearts learning was a no brainer.

    I’m looking forward to and am excited to be part of such an amazing event.

  • Shannon Hall

    When I heard about Lion Hearts Learning I was shocked to find out this gap in early years education existed for some kids.

    I was deeply moved and inspired when I discovered that there was a playgroup and preschool that specifically catered for oncology kids and their families’ unique needs, with educators that follow the Early Learning Framework Curriculum to ensure the children who are unable to attend these most basic social activities are 'school ready' by the time they can attend school.

    As an educator, I truly believe that access to education and socialisation are basic human rights and integral to a child’s natural development so want to contribute to growing this fantastic opportunity for all families regardless of their situation, to be able to give their children the best possible start in life.

  • Riley Pedrick

    Raising funds for Lion Hearts Learning; children and their families that have been impacted by cancer.

  • Kylie Clancy

    My name is Kylie Clancy “Clance” .

    I am so excited to be a part of the River Murray Roar and raise some vital funds for LHL.

    What an incredible organisation giving oncology kids and their families the opportunity to play, socialise, laugh, learn and enjoy all the things that kids should be doing in those pre school years.

    When my cousins little girl Codee-Jo was diagnosed with leukaemia, isolation was often the norm whilst going through treatment.

    Forever the optimists, opportunists, and with hearts the size of lions they founded LHL to create this beautiful safe and germ free space for Codee-Jo and all other kids and families in the same situation.

    I love them, I love what they do and I LOVE what Lion Hearts Learning is providing families at a super challenging time of their lives.

  • Chris Evans

    Boat Driver

    My name is Chris and I'm a father of three young boys. Seeing first hand how a cancer diagnosis can change someone's world especially when it involves kids is heartbreaking.

    When I was asked to be involved in helping raise much needed funds for Lion Hearts Learning I was genuinely appreciative and excited for the opportunity.

    I can't think of a better reason to challenge myself whilst raising money to help provide more opportunity to families who are dealing with cancer.

  • Nick Phillipps

    Support Car Driver

    Cancer sux in any form, but being so close to home. Codee-Jo is my niece. So I am more than happy to help in any way I can.

    Having been apart of her journey over the last few years has shown me that fighting the cancer is one part of the challenges that come with it. Continuing to live life and prepare for the next stage of cancer free is more important than ever.

    Helping Lion Hearts to give this to all who need it is a pleasure and joy. Seeing the happy faces with the fun and development that LHL gives makes the effort worthwhile.

    I am looking forward to supporting the team and making sure that we are successful in getting all to Wellington.

  • Brett Hill

    *Unfortunately due to illness Brett is unable to ski in our 2024 event. All donations past and future will still go directly to Lion Hearts Learning

    I’m Brett Hill and I would like to give everyone a little insight into why I’ve got pumped up for this event.

    I’ve got this pretty amazing nephew and he was diagnosed with cancer in his early teenage years. Seeing how he responded to his diagnosis was the most mature and strong minded thing I’ve ever seen. However I also watched him get isolated from school and a lot of other things he missed out on because risk of getting sick from colds flus all the things that a young lad shouldn’t have to worry about.

    This is where the Lion Hearts crew have changed the whole missing out on interaction with others. They are also my dearest friends, that I’ve watched for over 20 years dedicate their time to others and it needs to be recognised that Lion Hearts isn’t just these amazing kids going through the battle of theirs lives, it’s the size of the hearts of the people behind the scenes.

Team: Codfathers

  • Tony Ritson

    Lion Hearts Learning is very close to my Heart. My Sister in Law and Brother in Law founded LHL when their daughter, my niece, was diagnosed with leukaemia.

    I am now proudly on the board for this charity and see first hand the amazing support and opportunity it gives kids and families during their cancer diagnosis and journey.

    Waterskiing is a passion of mine and I look forward to this passion being able to help Lion Hearts Learning continue to provide this amazing support.

  • Damien Guerin

    I had no hesitation in saying yes to this great idea for a fundraising cause.

    My family is most important to me - witnessing the impact of cancer on my friend’s family was heart breaking. To help continue the Lion Hearts legacy for the kids by raising money is the least anyone can do.

    Water skiing has been a life long passion - the idea to challenge ourselves and raise money for this cause will give this passion a new purpose in January.

    I appreciate any contribution you can make to my effort, the event and this great charity.

  • Nick Byrne

    I am a business owner of a small building company. Father to Brodie & Layla and husband to my beautiful wife Shelley.

    My involvement began into cancer fundraising and support when I lost my older brother to cancer when he was just 23 years old.

    Since then I’ve supported any kind of fundraising involved in cancer research and those affected by this horrible disease in any way possible.

    This adventure will certainly be the pinnacle for myself and my family, as my brother was such a passionate water skier himself.

    To support lion hearts learning is also something so close to my family as well.

    Thanks for the opportunity.


    Ski On!

  • Ryan Ratzmer

    Who wouldn’t want to ski the length of the Murray! Crazy right….

    Cancer affects every family in some way. I lost 2 friends to cancer when they were in their 20s. No one should have to go through that in any form….!

    So when I was asked to join the marathon (skiing 560km over 3days) I couldn’t resist- what an awesome way to support this amazing charity.

    I thank you in advance for any contribution.

  • Kobi Ritson

    My name is Kobi Ritson and I’m passionate about helping people who have been impacted by cancer.

    My cousin, Codee-Jo was diagnosed with cancer in 2017 and I’ve seen how much families go through during such a horrible time. But, from this, our organisation Lion Hearts Learning was formed and we now try and help as many people as we can.

    Please help me to help others. If you can spare some $, please donate.

  • Tim Alcott

    *Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances Tim is unable to ski in our 2024 event. All donations past and future will still go directly to Lion Hearts Learning.

    I’m a proud South Australian lad, but now live in the Gold Coast. I transferred to Queensland for work 14 years ago and met my darling wife. We now we have two beautiful kids, 4 and 7 years old.

    My best mate, and one of the organisers of this amazing event, Tony Ritson, introduced me water skiing in high school and it was a huge part of our lives. When Tony asked me to be involved in this event I jumped at the chance.

    I know the founders of Lion Hearts personally and proudly call them friends of mine. What they have been through and what they do now is inspiring. I look forward to the challenge, after being off the water for a few year’s, and raising some money for a worthy cause.

  • Jeremy Palmer

    Boat Driver

    *Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances Jeremy is unable to ski in our 2024 event. All donations past and future will still go directly to Lion Hearts Learning.

    As a father, any illness afflicting young children is confronting but when it happens to old friends, it strikes very close to home.

    My association and friendship with the founders of LHL developed through much time spent on the river and I feel honoured to play a small role in helping this amazing charity by towing my lifelong friends along that same river.

Team: Frumpys

  • Daniel Wise

    The founders of LHL are close friends of mine & I saw first hand how they dealt with the life changing reality that is your 2 year old having cancer. The strength and compassion they showed throughout this time was awe inspiring.

    Skiing 560 kms in 3 days will be a huge challenge! But it's nothing compared with the challenges faced by them and so many other families every day.

    These amazing friends of mine have done all the hard work setting up this invaluable resource for oncology kids. But germ-free, safe learning environments for kids with cancer don't just pay for themselves!

    So please help me help these wonderful people by giving whatever you can. Thanks.

  • Tom Guerin

    My name is Tom and some of my closest friends founded and run LHL. Their dedication to such a worthwhile cause is inspiring.

    There is no greater undertaking than devoting time and effort into helping kids affected by cancer and when I learned about the plan to raise funds and awareness through this mission I had no hesitation in joining the challenge.

    Water skiing is something we as a group have been lucky enough to enjoy our whole lives and is a big reason why we have remained so close after many years. These lifelong friendships and a love of the river gives me hope that the children LHL help can experience the same someday. 

    I thank you for donating and helping to keep LHL providing much needed care.

  • Marcus Mancer

    LHL is a wonderful organisation founded by an extraordinary couple we’ve had the pleasure of calling friends for 20+ years. Despite our distance living in the Top End for much of that time, my wife Jasmin and our 4 kids have been incredibly encouraged by the journey The Townsends have undertaken. Thank you Mat, Jo, Tylah & especially Codee-Jo for the fight, determination, generosity and above all love you demonstrate to the rest of us. You sure have some mighty support through your close friends and family. It takes a village. What an inspiration.

    For the River Murray Roar Teams, I am very excited, if not equally nervous about this trip. Unquestionably the least experienced skier, I will have to channel the dangers of Top End waters and do my best to stay upright! I am looking forward to re-connecting with all of you as great South Aussie mates and raising as much money as I can.

  • Jason Skinner

    I am very lucky to have a loving wife and with two beautiful young girls who I would do anything for and have also had some experiences of how helpless you feel when your family is not well and in hospital.

    When approached to participate in this marathon skiing event totalling 560kms in 3days to raise money for Lion Hearts Learning I was faced with my own physical challenge.

    But this is nothing compared to the challenges young families affected by serious illness have to manage physically and emotionally on daily basis.

    Some close friends of mine founded, run and operate Loin Hearts Learning in SA.

    Lion Hearts Learning is a local based preschool in SA for young families affected by cancer. This organisation provides them with a safe environment to attend a germ free facility where there is opportunity to begin early learning and social development in preparation for school when they can.

    Lion Hearts Learning is solely operating on donations and fund raising where your support is important to maintain this fantastic facility.

    All participants in River Murray Roar are funding their own way in the event and your donation will be going directly to support Lion Hearts Learning.

    Please show your support and donate to this great organisation helping young families affected by cancer in SA.

  • James Mousley

    Boat Driver

    The people behind LHL and River Murray Roar are great friends of mine who are working really hard to make a difference to families dealing with cancer.

    The hard work is all done, all I have to do is drive my team's boat safely all the way to Wellington. And all you have to do is hit the link and drop some cash to this awesome cause.

  • Brian Wise

    Support Car Driver

    I've been involved with waterskiing on the Murray for the last 50 years and more recently my life has been affected by cancer.

    When this River Murray Roar crew was being assembled I happily volunteered my services to support the fund raising for LHL which supports the kids and families affected by cancer.

Team: In Too Deep

  • Brad Stockman

    Skiing is something which has not be part of my life, in fact I have never stepped foot on a ski. Forming a team and attempting to ski 500km sounds exciting, but equally as terrifying knowing the work that needs to get done to get to the start line let alone completing the distance in 3 days!

    Seeing first hand with my father in law losing his life to pancreatic cancer, and close friends in the workplace also falling ill to the disease, this challenge is nothing compared to those dealing with cancer. I have seen the amount of love and support needed to those involved and that’s why I want to help support and raise funds for LHL.

    Having this opportunity to be part of such a wonderful cause, pushing myself outside of my comfort zone, setting a challenge and achieving this is the least I can do so please support me and my team and ultimately those who are doing tough in the battle against cancer!

  • Kent Williams

    *Unfortunately due to injury Kent is unable to ski in our 2024 event. All donations past and future will still go directly to Lion Hearts Learning.

    I am a local business owner and a father to 3 awesome little legends with a full bill of health. We spend loads of time on the river and caravanning around SA and often have to remind ourselves that we are incredibly lucky to live the life we do. To even imagine that this sh*tty illness could take all of that away and that there are families dealing with this every single day is absolutely heartbreaking. As soon as I saw this fantastic cause I knew it was something I wanted to be a part of. Dragging my sloppy rig across the water for a few days seems like a small sacrifice!!! Don’t care who you donate to…….get around it!

  • Luke Belfrage

    G’day, I’m Franga.

    I’ve been skiing on the river since I was a grommet and my family have had a house in Bowhill for over 25 years (my parents are now retired and live there!).

    I jumped at this opportunity to not only do what I love doing, but to raise funds at the same time for a fantastic charity. With 2 kids of my own, it tears my heart out to imagine one of them was diagnosed with cancer. I really feel for those families affected by this terrible disease. I’m skiing with a group of legend blokes and although it’s going to be a challenge for us, we can’t wait to strap our skis on and hit the water! Please donate to our group and help us to help these families that are going through their battles!

  • Leigh Pedrick

    Feeling super pumped to be asked to be involved with this amazing charity event.

    Unfortunately cancer touches all of us in one way or another. I have lost friends and family to this awful disease.

    I do love a challenge, but knowing we are helping others through this great charity makes it easier to push that bit more.

    Can’t wait to get out on the water!

  • Mason Beyer

    Hey all! I'm Mason,

    From the days I started learning to walk, I've been on the water, skiing on anything that would float. I was fortunate enough to have grown up with family and friends to head up the river with and enjoy everything the river has to offer.

    I was approached by the team to help this year after Kent's unfortunate injury, which has made him unable to participate. He has done a fantastic job fundraising and will be sadly missed. I look forward to being able to get out and take part in this awesome charity event on his behalf.

    Cancer is a terrible thing in this world. The thought of what struggles some may encounter and have to deal with on a day by day basis is inspiring to me. The event will be tough and I can't wait to hit the water and push myself to some mental and physical limits in hope to understand from their perspective a bit of what it's like.

    Cheers to raising awareness, any contribution helps. Looking forward to getting out there with these guys and giving it all we have got!

  • Jodie Stockman

    Support Car Driver

    My name is Jodie and unfortunately Cancer is a word I am all too familiar with.

    Cancer has been a part of my life over many years. In primary school I watched my Mum beat Breast cancer.

    As a teen my Nana with pancreatic cancer and as adult my Dad lost his battle with pancreatic cancer.

    I have seen cancer at many stages of my life and the physical, emotional, financial and social effects of the disease it can bring to family and loved ones. Please support Lion Hearts learning, a charity providing much needed support to children impacted by cancer.

    “Supporting the fighters, admiring the survivors, honoring the taken and never giving up! “

  • Darryl King

    *Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances Darryl is unable to ski in our 2024 event. All donations past and future will still go directly to Lion Hearts Learning.

    My name is Darryl and I’m a father of 3. I have my own Carpentry business and I enjoy going up the river in my spare time waterskiing with my mates.

    6 years ago, my wife Trudie spent her last days with her mum whilst she lost her battle with Melanoma cancer.

    Since then I have also had a close mate lose his mum to cancer, and another male family member to cancer.

    Seeing what these people went through has been part of the reason why I decided jump on board to do this challenge and raise money for Lion Hearts Learning.

    I appreciate any donation big or small. Your support will give me the courage to complete the mission of River Murray Roar and help raise much needed funds for this great cause.

  • Nathan Hyland

    *Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances Nathan is unable to ski in our 2024 event. All donations past and future will still go directly to Lion Hearts Learning.

    Hey! I’m Nathan, who along with my wife Sascha and three awesome kids (Caleb, Leila and Eloise) live a great life in South Australia. I have run my own carpentry business for 15 years and we have a place on the river where we spend as much spare time as possible. We have loved watching our kids grow up loving the water, being behind the boat and the enjoying the atmosphere as much as I do. My 12 year old son has quickly become a better wakeboarder than me, so I’m determined to show him a thing or two on the skis!

    I can’t wait to be a part of the River Murray Roar to help raise money for Lion Hearts. My mum lost her battle four years ago after a brief, but very brave, fight with kidney cancer and I know first hand how much heart break and devastation cancer can bring to a family unit. We still grieve for her, but are also scarred by having to go through the painful process with her. To think of cancer affecting my own children is beyond imaginable and I can’t fathom how difficult it must be for those children and families who are having to face these battles day in and day out. This is the reason I am so motivated to contribute to this awesome cause.

    I am renowned for loving a challenge, and with my best mates beside me and my family cheering me on from the sidelines, I’m excited to test my endurance by skiing from Renmark to Wellington. I hope to raise lots of money for this wonderful cause in Lion Hearts as I can along the way.

Team: Two Strokers

  • Ben Brown

    I love my wife and 2 awesome kids!

    We run our own business, and life can get so busy doing this with two young kids. When this opportunity came up, I was stoked to jump on board, there is always time to help out other family’s being affected by cancer!

    Can’t wait to get on the water, I love skiing, it will be tough going, but it’s for a great cause!!

  • Tony Connor

    Hi! I’m Tony, recently retired and permanently moved to the river from Alice Springs last year. Waterskiing has always been a passion of mine learning to ski at Elliott halfway between Alice and Darwin.

    I had no hesitation in saying yes to this fundraising cause to help continue the Lion Hearts legacy for the kids by helping to raise money.

    I appreciate any contribution you can make to my effort, the event and this great charity.

  • Daniel Wenske

    My Name is Daniel. I am 39 years old. I run my own building business, which the last 15 years or so had been so busy and time consuming. I don’t get a lot of time off, so when asked to be part of this awesome event, I’ve jumped at the chance.

    I can’t wait to take it on, and really hope I can raise some much needed funds for Lion Hearts along the way. I’m just hoping this old tired body can handle what’s ahead of us.

    Please if you could help in any way, donate what you can for this great initiative. Thank you.

  • David Carruthers

    Hi all, My name is David. “My mates call me DC”

    I’m a Dad to 3 amazing kids. My beautiful wife and I have been married now for 22 years.

    My wife and I rarely get time away from the hustle & bustle of running our own business, so when asked if I could spare a few days & be involved in the River Murray Roar, I jumped at the chance. My Dad lost his battle with Cancer 8 years ago, so this cause is definitely something close to home & sadly I can relate to those left behind with the heartache.

    I am really excited to be a part of the Roar and can’t wait for the day to come. Skiing 560km in 3 days sounds crazy, but I love a challenge. My team & I are all keen skiers, but personally I’ve never done anything like this before. It’s definitely going to be a massive physical challenge so I’m looking forward to getting out of my comfort zone & taking it on.

    Most importantly, we are raising some much needed funds for Lion Hearts Learning. Please help me help this wonderful cause. Any donation, big or small will make a difference & is greatly appreciated!

  • Vaughn Colwill

    My Name is Vaughn and I have a beautiful family consisting of 3 children and my lovely wife Rachel.

    I have always loved water skiing and now have a place on the Murray river where we enjoy spending time with family & friends.

    Water skiing is a fantastic sport and a great way to keep the family together.

    When asked to be part of a ski team to raise money for Lion Hearts Learning it didn’t take me long to see it was a great idea.

    I have seen how devastating cancer can be and see this fund raiser as a worthy cause.

    Lion Heart Learning is supporting Kids with Cancer. LHL is an organisation that assists these children and families in need and relies entirely on fund raising to run.

    On 18th January we will embark on skiing 560kms from Renmark to Wellington to raise funds for LHL.

    I am excited to be involved in this event and appreciate any contribution you can make to help support the kids with cancer and their families affected by this terrible disease. I’m skiing with a group of legend blokes and although it’s going to be a challenge for us, we can’t wait to strap our skis on and hit the water!

    Please donate to our group and help us to help these families that are going through their battles!

Team: Teal Phat

Unfortunately due to personal circumstances this team will not be skiing in 2024. All donations past and future will still go to Lion Hearts Learning, supporting their families in their time of need. Thank you for your understanding.

  • Mark Farquhar

    Too many special people around me are fighting the battle with Cancer.

    The dedication, care, selflessness, passion from many of my close friends to begin this event and contribute to the wonderful cause Lion Hearts Learning has inspired me join Murray River Roar.

    Any support is greatly appreciated! Please help me, help the kids.

  • Scott Connel

    Whilst I am very nervous of the challenge of skiing 500km, this challenge is nothing compared to what many young families go through when kids are diagnosed with cancer. As a father of 2, I can't imagine how difficult that would be, but I stand in admiration of how well these families and their support networks band together and help each other.

    I am really excited to support the mission of the River Murray Roar to raise much needed funding for Lion Hearts Learning.

    Get on board and support this great cause!

  • Brett Larkin

    It is obvious and unlikely that I will successfully complete the 560km ski, but I will commit to giving it an adequate go.

    I will definitely commit to support the mission of the River Murray Roar to raise much needed funding for Lion Hearts Learning.

    My jokes, good sense of humour and excitement will keep the occupants of the watercraft entertained and replenished. And who knows, maybe I’ll bring along the ol’ baseball bat and have another attempt (as seen in pic) like last summer.

    Please donate to Bretto and Teal Phat for Lion Hearts Learning.

  • Dylan Braddy

    For those who know me I can be determined to give most things a go.

    But it's been a long time since I skied regularly and I don't have a back up plan after the first 5 km's!

    Like so many, cancer has tapped family and friends on the shoulder and the effects are lasting.

    I am grateful for the invite to join River Murray Roar and help a worthy cause such as Lion Hearts Learning.

    Help us make a difference without putting skis on! Just hit the link and donate.

  • Brad Prust

    I’ve grown up going to the river and waterskiing with my family all of my life. My parents were avid skiers and it definitely was passed down to me.

    Both of my parents have had cancer, luckily my mum has been cancer free for over 20 years! Unfortunately my dad lost his 17 year battle recently which was tough. Some of the things he and my family achieved in that time was inspiring. All whilst still driving the boat for me to ski!

    If I can jump on a ski to try a make these kids and their families lives a little bit better for them, it’s the least I can do.